Today is April Fool’s Day. Trust no one.
I feel a bit that the Internet has ruined April Fool's day. Before the internet, if NPR would tuck a facetious story in with the rest of Morning Edition, it was delightful. It was a special treat you only got on one day of the year, and there wasn't much chance anyone else you knew was listening at the same time. You'd never hear it again, either, God knows if you missed something on the radio it was in the ether on its way to the cosmos.
Now, various sites have recaps of all the corporate April Fool's jokes, and you can access them all day. It's just not the same.
There were a few years in there where it seemed like Tech Company April Fool's Jokes had gotten sort of semi-required, and that felt weird. But I do enjoy the genre of people being very very silly, as long as they are being very very silly (see: Google's PigeonRank algorithm instead of PageRank algorithm) and not sort of mean.
I do apparently have one humor circuit linked up to "surrealist" - I found this sometime last year, and it practically made me choke with laughter - although I suspect part of that is due to knowing many of the "April Fool's Pranks" that the neural network was trained on, plus the aforesaid "surrealist" humor circuit, so results may vary.
Posted by: KC | April 01, 2019 at 07:35 PM
KC - I cant even find what NPR did yesterday, and they are my favorite.
Posted by: TheQueen | April 02, 2019 at 08:16 AM
Maybe their April Fool's joke was not doing an April Fool's joke so as to force people to repeatedly scour their site to find the (missing) joke? I don't know...
(sorry they fell through on you, though)
Posted by: KC | April 02, 2019 at 05:05 PM
KC -AHHH, here it is. It was on in the afternoon, so I missed it:
Posted by: TheQueen | April 02, 2019 at 07:08 PM