We went to see Patton Oswalt, finally, at the Saint Charles Family Arena.
Sigh. I feel like Patton Oswalt personally thinks I am too white, too conservative, too rural.
Why do I think this? Because ....
- The concert took place in Saint Charles, my extremely white commuter community next to Saint Louis county. He remarked on it a number of times. “Tell me again, am I in Saint Louis or Saint Charles?” “SAINT CHARLES!” The crowd would roar. “Don’t tell him that,” I thought plaintively. “Saint Louis is so much more open-minded than Saint Charles.”
- The opener, Adrienne Apalucci, was a New York woman who specialized in shock comedy. The two men behind me did not appreciate her abortion / miscarriage / dick jokes. After every joke they would tut, or say “geez,” or “that’s too far.” No doubt they are currently discussing the people in front of them who guffawed at every tasteless joke.
- She led off by pointing out how white the crowd was. I looked around. We were all white. Couldn’t deny it.
- Patton Oswalt twice went into the crowd and engaged with individuals, which I assume he did to fill in the time lost to the anti-Trump bits he must have edited out on the fly, given the crowd. (“Where’s the topical humor?” I thought, again, plaintively.)
- So, instead of some good Trump-bashing, I instead heard the details of the life of a rural Washington, Missouri body piercer. Patton asked, “So, do you ever do a piercing like an eyebrow piercing attached to a chain that runs down to a clit piercing and then there are lead Dungeons and Dragons figures hung off the chain?” “We don’t do that,” she replied. “What about those things where people have horns and metal put between their skull and their scalp?” “There’s not a lot of call for that in Washington, Missouri.” It made me want to get a clit piercing attached by a chain to some metal horns protruding from my scalp.
We also saw Patton Oswalt in Columbus, OH, and he did the same talk-to-the-crowd bit twice. I think it's just part of his ac this time out. We got an IV nurse who has been engaged to her partner for five years so far, and a "consultant."
Posted by: Rowan | May 01, 2019 at 05:10 PM
Rowan (Hi Rowan!) - Thank you, that makes me feel better. He did make one little reference that governing by a fad like Twitter would be like governing by yo-yo. We had three dark people in a row - the body piercer, a bartender who wished for death, and a person who wouldn't give up what he did other than to say he worked in "security," I believe.
Posted by: theQueen | May 02, 2019 at 05:34 PM