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April 23, 2019



And here I'm trying to figure out what, exactly, art nouveau patterned sheets would look like...

(also: me. I could totally have a sentimental attachment to sheets. I haven't yet, but I know I could...)

Big Dot

Um, not so much sentimental but I can’t throw away two duvet covers that I’ve had since about 1980 - was that a globally great era for bedding? One of them is a bit art nouveau-y too. It’s too small now but I have plans to extend it. One day.


KC - I would post a photo, but I have none. Not many cameras on hand in the eighties. I have six photos from that time and none are of the inside of the dorm.
Big Dot - but of course, that would be like cutting into your wedding gown. It might be better, or it might be destroyed.

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