My cleaning regimen is that I clean when people are coming over. There was a brief episode last week when we thought the tax preparer was coming by and I hurriedly cleaned the public spaces: the guest bathroom and the great room.
However, yesterday I was in the non-guest bathroom, shaving my feet, as I do, and I was too enthusiastic with my pedicure and a bit of blood got on the floor. Wiping up the bit of blood set off a domino effect and half an hour later the bathroom was spotless.
When Gary noticed the cleaning noises had stopped, he appeared in the bathroom doorway and asked. “Why are you cleaning? Is someone coming over?”
Yes, the best way to keep a house clean is to have people come over often. Not *too* often, but... often.
Or to bleed slightly on the floor. That works, too. (I am also familiar with the Cleaning Cascade Effect, wherein you *have* to clean this bit and then that leads to also cleaning that bit and oh, now that the floor is clean the ? looks scungy and so we'll clean that...)
Posted by: KC | April 08, 2019 at 10:49 AM
KC - I was able to NOT clean the shower. That was remarkable. The cascade stopped at the shower door.
Posted by: TheQueen | April 08, 2019 at 08:18 PM