I’m not a big fan of Marvel movies. Some are charming (first Guardians of the Galaxy), some are pointless (Ant Man and the Wasp). The worst thing is that I can’t hop up and pee as soon as they’re over: I have to stay for any extended scenes.
I am a big fan of hype and group-think, though, and even though Gary was willing to wait a week after it came out, I got tickets for the opening weekend of Avengers Endgame. The only pair of tickets available were on Sunday night, starting at quarter till nine pm, ending at quarter till midnight. Evidently kiddos can’t be out on a school night, so two seats were free. Hah! Up yours, kiddos.
Why though? Why was I determined to watch a movie I am not invested in? I can only think that it’s the same reason I watch the World Cups - I don’t care about the game, but if the entire rest of the world is experiencing something, I don’t want to miss out.
So, being part of the world, that’s half of it, and also I hated the prospect that there was some incredible secret ending that 1.2 billion people would know about, and I wouldn’t know the secret.
Anyway, as of last night it was 1.2 billion and 2.