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March 29, 2019



Congratulations on escaping the GP appointment! That is great. :-)

These illnesses with their ultra-weird symptoms: not ideal. But that particular one sounds fascinating! I hope it's not especially unpleasant and hope you acclimate soon.

(another thing I am not fond of: medications for ultra-weird illnesses where, in the "report to a doctor immediately if you experience these" side effects section, the list is composed entirely of the normal daily symptoms for your illness. C'mon, people. That and every symptom under the sun being a possible sign of cancer, *except* the ones that don't even exist on the internet because they are that rare...)


KC - the first time I was on steroids, I reported to the doctor that I gained weight. When he said, “Of course you did, that’s what steroids do.” I was able to point to where the instructions TOLD me to report it to my doctor if I gained weight. He told me to ignore the instruction sheet. I suppose lawyers write those.


That is bonkers. I mean, I understand it being good for the doctor to be aware of what side effects are occurring, especially since side effects can have an effect on medication compliance (and they also sometimes signal other patient sub-type details which are useful for future medication choices), but I feel like it would be more efficient to have people report to their doctors if they're on steroids and *don't* gain weight, because that's the remarkable case?

(also: the length of the prescription medication information forms: totally nuts. More information is not better, if that means that people will end up not reading any of it!)

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