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March 13, 2019



That is... really something. (and *how* does one execute those stage directions???!)

I was not terrifically impressed with GBS, however, before this (being conflicted re: Pygmalion), so it does not drastically lower him in my esteem. (however, had I ascribed "ghoti" or "fish without a bicycle" to him, that *would* have had an effect)

Ah, how the mighty absurdist farce has fallen...


KC- oh, I admire him for pitching a fit when anyone tried to change the end of Pygmalion. Eliza should marry Freddy and run a flower shop.


I did not know that!!! He just went up several units in my estimation (after I read the wikipedia bit on the ending), because the whole "and then they end up together after all that abuse and dehumanization and devaluing without any actual reform process happening! Isn't it so romantic and beautiful and happy and isn't she so lucky?" thing is probably what most drives me nuts about the versions I've seen. The rest can be interpreted as just an accurate demonstration of humans being (kind of lousy) humans, but the narrative approval of a hideously dysfunctional pile of junk was... not to my liking.


KC - I only knew about his feelings because of a TV Guide article when My Fair Lady made its network debut. I absolutely hate the ending to My Fair Lady.

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