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March 05, 2019



I tend to have comparatively little crankiness towards those who unintentionally infect others... but the people who show up to work definitely-contagiously-sick with something hideous, proudly? Those ones I am cranky towards. It is not good for the company to have a plague pass through the employee base, so unless you're literally the last person that a specific something has hit, or unless your while-sick half-productivity is absolutely vital and more useful than a bunch of other peoples' full productivity for multiple days the following week, then maybe *stay home* while contagious and don't knock down the productivity of everyone else?

(That said: when I was in my early 20's, I did not know as much about contagion and the economic/productivity effects thereof and had not considered The Viewpoint of the Infectee, so I totally showed up to work proudly if it was at all physically possible. Not brilliant, younger self.)

Anyway, I am glad you can view Potential Patient Zero as "us against the virus" - that seems like a good thing!


KC - a Mom at work has me convinced I caught RSV - evidently to a healthy person it feels like a cold, but babies, the elderly, and immune-compromised people get it worse. Her convincing arguments were that the regular cold medicines didn’t touch it and that the incubation period can be 8 days.

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