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February 15, 2019



It's rooooomance! (but yes: if No Gifts is agreed upon, then not-expecting gifts is very important! I am glad he was not secretly cranky about you doing what had been agreed upon.)

Also: I hope you do end up very much liking Thyroid Medication Gary, wherever exactly he ends up on the scale of wackyness.


KC - This is not the first time he has broken our agreement. When I break the agreement he is outraged. And I do like New Gary, but I’ve liked all the New Garys.


I would be fairly peevish, I admit, if someone broke a No Gift Agreement, unless they had a very complete explanation for it which included convincing arguments that they did not in any way want me to break it also. But in that provisional lies the key: I was exposed at an early age to the Expectations Have Not Been Met concept, and I have yet to figure out how to just shrug that possibility off when there *might* have been expectations. (I think, at this point, my dislike of disappointing people probably exceeds my dislike of being conversationally categorized as a source of disappointment, but I enthusiastically dislike both, anyway, and semi-compulsory gift-giving is still sometimes a bit of a terror to me for this reason.)

It is awfully nice to like all the versions of your husband. I approve of this state of affairs. :-)


KC - I have rectified everything. I bought him a muffler.

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