At the start of this month, on Groundhog Day, this miracle happened:
My Fitbit said I slept over seven and a half hours WITHOUT WAKING UP TO PEE.
I don't know how I did it, though. I ate and drank normally. It was truly miraculous.
Since then I have not had more than two hours of uninterrupted sleep a night, but it was nice to have a normal bladder, briefly, just for the holiday.
Then, last week, I made it to six and a half hours without waking up.
Last night, who knows how long I could have made it. Unfortunately, at 2 a.m. Gary came in and woke me up. “Ellen ... Ellen ... Ellen!”
”What is it?”
“The metal bowl was delivered. I just looked at the porch when I was locking up and it’s here!”
(Long pause.) “You woke me up to tell me a package you ordered is on the porch?”
”Well ... the pears came too.”
And now it’s 5 a.m and I’ve been awake since then.