Pie Crusts - Four pies ago the gods cursed me and I had a massive systemic failure. Three pie crusts ago I made an ideal quiche. Two pie crusts ago, I doubled the recipe, but neglected to double the flour. I tried pre-baking that, and you can imagine my dismay when I pulled it out of the oven and found butter-shortening soup in the bottom of the pie tin. Then this past week I tried to make a cherry pie and forgot the salt in the crust. That was vile. Gary won't even eat it. He has the grace to 1) keep it in a bowl on the counter and not just pitch it in the trash and b) encourage me to try a chicken pot pie next. Instead, I made another one apple pie last night - which I overbaked.
Gary Cheating - Gary and I played our game by the book, finally, and he exclaimed it's much more fun when you play by the rules. It's also much muuuuuuch slower. We played three hours and moved two spaces because every detail had to be researched in the rule book.
Elevator - I spoke to some people who have hired on in the last ten years and they say "Ladies first" is no longer taught in orientation. In fact, they laughed at the idea.
I once left out the flour entirely from chocolate chip cookies. The post-baking result did have to be reimagined as "chocolate chip cookie truffles" - scraped together, rolled into balls, then dipped in cocoa powder - but I had people ask me for the recipe, which is usually a good sign.
I still don't recommend it; cleanup was a bear.
Chicken pot pie, however - that's good stuff. *And* you can skip the bottom crust! (depending on your local chicken pot pie viewpoints; some people are strict two-crusters)
Posted by: KC | February 05, 2019 at 09:03 PM
KC - oh, I am a two-cruster.
Posted by: TheQueen | February 06, 2019 at 08:22 AM
I’ve started working at gm financial (I was your Radioshack reader) and they don’t want us to gender anything. I am the only woman on my team, and only one of three in my whole area, and all the guys always make me go first. They’re all sixty-ish so I think it’s just too hard a habit for them to break.
Posted by: Jessica Fantastica | February 06, 2019 at 02:56 PM
Jessica Fantastica - a young man said “Ladies first” in the lunch line today. I told him I wasn’t a lady. He looked confused.
Posted by: TheQueen | February 06, 2019 at 09:55 PM