God in Heaven, I hate winter. It isn't the snow or the ice or the dry air. I hate the light in winter.
Summer is a candle. Winter is an LED.
Winter light comes in to my house and makes it look filthy, even when it's clean. It's like a flashlight held at ground level that shows every speck and crumb. Give me an overcast gray winter day over a sunny one, because at least I don't have the harsh white winter light.
If I hated the snow and cold, I could drive someplace warmer in a day or so. The winter light, though, you can't get away from it in the entire hemisphere. I would have to go to Bolivia to get the quality of light I need.
Given that I hate the winter light so much, it is odd that I drove to work last week, pleased that I had driven to work after dawn and home before sunset, so the days are longer. You would think I'd like the Arctic circle instead, given that the light is gone for entire days, but I just watched this amazing narrative of the Greely expedition on PBS and I am sure I would be the first person to go mad in the long dark.