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February 21, 2019



As someone who has learned C++, I bet you can learn C++. :-)

Whether you *want* to or not is another story, however. And it is okay to not want to. The "basics" of it as needed for project modification: rather more sprawly, extensive, and can-shoot-yourself-in-the-foot-ish than the "basics" of SQL. But still, definitely possible.

Do you have anything specific you want to do with augmented reality, or is it just a "oh, that is a neat thing they're doing over there!" sort of curiosity? (part of why I ask is that I learn languages by doing projects in them; it sounds like you can learn languages without that carrot, however, which is impressive!)


(also, I am impressed that some of Gary's books are actually *useful* books on languages/software still used outside of dusty basements!!! Congratulations to him on that.)


KC - We do some simulations in our training, and using AR to add another level of hands-on immersion into our instructional design can only be good.


Ah! Do you already have digital models for the "things" in question? Because if so, depending on what the digital models are in, there may exist off the shelf augmented reality packages that could do quite a lot of it (depending on how you want the "things" to respond, etc.). (but I am also biased in favor of learning C/C++ because Knowledge Is Power and also it is just plain fun to make things do things.)

Alternately, do you guys ever contract projects out? If so, I may know someone who already knows a fair chunk about the ins and outs of one major AR system who may be available for freelance (not me; I don't know beans about AR; but I can check with her if you'd like).


KC - Our contracting projects are only as backup - they always need someone on staff with the basic knowledge. My current issue is getting software, not just demos - and of course that's a long-term project. I don't think I even have a C++ compiler on my new work laptop. I got so frustrated having to deal with demos that I spent a day learning the basics of ever program on my work computer instead of focusing on what I don't have.


Are you allowed to install additional software on your computer? There are free C++ compilers, as I'm sure you know, but sometimes work restrictions are... restrictive. I do have a fondness for coding in text editors (Notepad++ is my free favorite right now), but full dev environments that provide "suggested autocomplete" sorts of things can be very very helpful, especially when you're learning - the whole "here are the arguments and their types for the function you just typed in!" thing saves quite a lot of flipping back and forth. That said, they are resource-intensive and sometimes just have way too much "stuff" going on.

And yes, augh, demos. Hope it goes well!


KC - ha! Not a chance of installing anything on our computers. I could request software but I'd have to get signatures.


I hate that. Sorry. :-( Peeling off layer after layer of red tape to get at software: not actually an optimal method of work.

(I mean, yes, malware and massive security problems, so if I had a mix of employees, some tech-savvy and some not, and also had Corporate Secrets, I guess I would probably put a similar kibosh on things. But I'd have a specific IT desk whose job it was to do a clean install of any remotely-plausible-for-work open-source software above a certain security rating with no signatures or fancy dancing needed.)


KC - I suspect there is more leniency for certain IT people - we just aren’t those people.

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