Remember when I bought the Lego that looked like my new boss? I did a little editing on the mug, and here he is:
Since he protested earlier that he doesn’t have as much hair as Rex Dangervest, I removed the Lego snap-on hair and used a Sharpie to draw his actual haircut underneath.
I presented it to him at our first official staff meeting. I was not fired on the spot, so I hold out hope for the new boss.
Hooray for not being fired!
(I am glad that your new boss has forbearance even in the face of a really smarmy-looking lego figurine.)
Posted by: KC | February 22, 2019 at 03:48 PM
KC - Well, we shall see. Too early to see whats beneath the new boss facade.
Posted by: theQueen | February 23, 2019 at 09:13 AM
Ah, the "lull them into a false sense of security" thing...
Posted by: KC | February 23, 2019 at 11:21 AM