So, at the moment I am writing this (8:30 CT Saturday night) the currently current, regrettably Democrat Governor Northam of Virginia has (let me check) decided not to resign because he does not recall having posed in blackface as shown on his yearbook page, and claims now that he is not the man pictured. I understand he spent today calling old classmates to see if any one of them could jog his memory (or take the fall for him, she muttered cynically, rolling her eyes).
Here is an interesting excerpt from this article:
Beneath the photo, Northam lists his alma mater and his interest in pediatrics and offers a quote: “There are more old drunks than old doctors in this world so I think I’ll have another beer.”
This, after Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh indignantly employed the Beer Defense, made me think: "Damn, maybe I should give beer another try. It seems to be the favorite of successful politicians. Like, they defiantly adore this stuff. Like it fucks you up enough to sexually assault women while wearing blackface, but it makes you a 'man of the people' at the same time."
I mean, I don’t like beer because it tastes like flowers. (Really, people, don't drink flowers. It is wrong.) I did not realize until this last scandal that it has hallucinogenic properties and a Get Out of Jail Free card that goes with it.
Kind of think that his having initially apologised for the photo suggests that, even if he now genuinely believes the person in the photo wasn't actually him, he's admitting that he did dress like that in the past. Case closed.
As for beer, I never like it till I tried Rotbier in Germany - beer with cordial! If anyone else did that it would be sacrilege, but no-one's going to argue with Germans over how to drink beer. I especially like(d) Blue Moon with raspberry cordial. (Can't buy it any more in NZ.)
Posted by: Big Dot | February 03, 2019 at 06:04 PM
Big Dot - Blue Moon is made from wheat, not hops, so you aren’t drinking flowers, so I like that. But that said, why wouldn’t you just drink the cordial straight?
Posted by: TheQueen | February 03, 2019 at 11:18 PM
Ah yes, wheat beer, I remember now. You would think I'd never done tours through breweries. Cordial alone is boring (also - because? - unalcoholic). Beer with a splash of cordial is just lovely. Try it!
Posted by: Big Dot | February 04, 2019 at 03:27 AM
Big Dot - here are my thoughts, in order:
1. What what what - cordial is unalcoholic?
2. Then how does Diana get drunk on cordial in Anne of Green Gables?
3. Oh, they were supposed to drink cordial but they drank wine.
4. Must look up cordial. “Cordial - NORTH AMERICAN- another term for liqueur.” (Caps courtesy of Merriam-Webster online dictionary.)
5. Aha! Still, strange, Anne of Green Gables is set in Canada. Wikipedia says a cordial is not alcoholic in the U.K., so I suppose the U.K. influence overrides the North American influence.
Posted by: TheQueen | February 04, 2019 at 08:41 AM