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February 25, 2019



Ah, the treacherous mandoline. I have been tempted by those... mini-lightweight-chain-mail? knifeproof gloves. But I'm not sure how you clean them, and food prep items Must Be Cleanable in my book.

(and the mandolin preventing you from playing the guitar did entertain me)(also: the pork sounds delicious)


KC - quite cleanable, as you see mine is all plastic and metal, with a screw at the bottom to make increasing widths. I just maxed out the width and put it in the dishwasher. Also. I have always thought it was spelled with the e on the end, but one dictionary entry mislead me. Spelling corrected.


Ah, sorry, I meant that I do not know how to clean the Magic Sharp-Edge-Proof Gloves after using them.

(I do own a mandoline, although it's one of the old, primitive models and is also blunt enough that its blood taxes are comparatively rare. Which also means it's not terribly useful. Which makes its blood taxes even *more* rare as it's usually easier to just slice things with a knife, so instead it remains in quiet retirement. I have considered purchasing a new one, but am attached to the tips of my fingers and hence am at a if-new-mandoline-then-also-safety-gloves-but-how-do-they-clean dead-end.)

(also: my browser spellcheck says that mandoline isn't a word at all. Hmph. I'm impressed you looked it up! And I do think mandolin is an alternate spelling that is used sometimes.)

(also-also: congratulations on your fingers figuring out the chords. It's nice when our brains click things together.)


KC - well, I don't know how I managed to misunderstand your comment: it was quite clear. I had never heard of those chain mail cloves, but I looked them up and Amazon says they are machine washable. And, I spelled it mandoline initially, and spell check complained, so I changed it. Should have trusted my instincts.

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