Gary has had so many recurring dreams about a Big House that it rated its own Blog Category. And then - no Big House dream for five and a half years, since he has been retired. I believed that made the Big House dream analysis easy: Big House = responsibilities. It did tend to surface when he had family or job responsibilities.
It isn’t a pleasant dream, usually the Big House is falling down, or invaded by drifters, or family members have invited themselves and will not leave.
After a hiatus of five and a half years, he had a Big House dream last night, and that it was a pleasant dream. “Way fewer bugs and vandals than usual.”
This time the Big House was like a skyscraper, ten stories tall. It had two types of stories or floors: the decorated floors where he lived alone in the rooms and ... pleasured himself, and the empty run-down floors with no interior walls where an artists’ colony had squatted.
Every artist floor was devoted to a different “permanent art exhibit: sidewalk chalk, giant rubber balls, dance.” (I do think it’s odd that all the permanent exhibits are temporary art forms.) He was initially unaware the artists were there, but they all knew about him and ate his food.
He also said he led a tour of his Big House for some rich people, who had found the house on Google maps. They envied him.
So, if the Big House dreams are about responsibility, I suppose this recent dream is about his responsibilities in retired life. Masturbating in decorated rooms, socializing with rich people (me) who envy him, and having artists (me) eat the food he makes.