At the end of The Favourite, Friend Anne turned to me and said something like, "A movie about three despicable people, and still at some point we rooted for them all."
And then we sat down outside the theater and did research, because we are nerdy girls and wanted to know immediately how much of what we had seen was true. And it would seem while the two women did vie to be the favorite of Queen Anne, it seems the movie exaggerates the physical expressions of their loves and hatreds (no sex, no violence in real life, it would seem).
Mom judged all period movies on her Cake and Costume scale. Howards End was the standard: it had enough tea cakes and costume changes to suit her. This one would not have pleased her, because they re-use several costumes in multiple scenes, AND ... let us just say the one cake scene will put you entirely off cake.
I can see easily why it is being promoted on CNN and MSNBC during every commercial break. You can't watch Queen Anne as she makes impulsive military decisions without thinking of our current petulant despot.