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December 30, 2018



Congratulations! Delicious pie is a wonderful thing. Even mediocre pie is a wonderful thing. (but pie can be terrifically frustrating, too, so there is that) What pie crust recipe are you using? They all behave differently, which can be maddening for someone used to the way to make one crust recipe turn out Perfectly... which then makes the other crust recipe slump dismally. Sigh. But all you really need is *one* crust recipe you can consistently get to work...


2 cups bleached flour
2 T Baking sugar
3/4 tsp salt
8 T frozen fancy block butter, cut in cubes while frozen then put in fridge for 1/2 hour
8 T stick Crisco, cut in cubes then put in freezer for half an hour
2 T - 4 T ice cold water
Mix dry ingredients, cut in butter till navy bean size, cut in crisco till navy bean size, add half the water. Mix with hands. Don’t be afraid to knead it and push it till it makes a ball. Put in rest of water if you need it, and I always do. Put in fridge half an hour, roll out and put it in anything other than a glass pan. I thought glass pans were awesome but this ceramic pan from Target seems to actually cook the bottom.

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