Well, evidently this is going to be a Moviecation: a subset of a staycation in which you go out to see several movies in one week.
We haven't been to the movies for a few weeks, ever since we saw A Star Is Born and we both hated, hated, hated it. (I loved the Judy Garland version. The latest one takes that version's flaws - Born in a Trunk - and multiplies them, while it erases any early charm in the male lead. Even drunk James Mason dancing was charming.)
Well, in two days we have seen two movies: the new Fantastic Beasts movie and the new Girl-In-the-Fill-In-The-Blank movie. Obviously, Gary picked these, because he leans toward fantasy and I prefer reality. But, the last movie I picked was A Star Is Born, and now I am not to be trusted.
The Fantastic Beasts movie at least tried to stick to the rules of the alternative reality I agreed to when I bought the ticket. The Girl in the Blah Blah movie just didn't play fair at all. Bad guys waiting their turn to attack, technological devices that appear when it's convenient, advanced computer code that can be easily hacked by bad guys. I gave up on it when a particular Apple product conveniently materialized, and after that I just took a nap in the heated seats.
I need reality in a movie, not escapism.
So, that's why it's remarkable that I started crying the minute the Mary Poppins trailer came on. Why does Mary, fantasy flying nanny, get a pass?