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February 16, 2018



I'm not up to speed on the gold baby thing. Is that part of the package in New Orleans? I was there last summer, but we only ate out once. No gold baby in sight.


Ernie - the baby (usually pink, this place was fancy) is part of the King Cake tradition. People eat a special cake before Lent, called a King cake, and the plastic baby is cooked in the cake and whoever gets the baby is special in some way.See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_cake#Trinket
There is a famous King Cake Baby on Facebook that takes photos facing various NOLA scenes. If the woman in this photo would have moved her arm you could have seen us standing on our balcony. https://www.facebook.com/kingcakebaby/photos/pcb.10155393076051342/10155393050596342/?type=3&theater

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