TeddyJ, the company I work for, has field representatives who are particularly personable. This means that when they come to town for training, the building is filled with people who have never met a stranger. Usually I plod through the lunch line and get, say, salmon. On a training day, the line is filled with people who then say:
"Salmon? Salmon in Saint Louis? Is the salmon good here? Hi, I'm Joe."
Then the guy on the other side of me will say "It's probably okay, but I'm an expert in salmon, I live in Alaska. Hi, I'm Jim."
Then I have to shake both their hands.
I don't mind it. A few days ago I was pulled into a conversation about where to hike (I steered them away from Mark Twain Lake and toward Elephant Rocks), and then when I sat alone finishing my meal a man came up and asked if he could sit with me.
"Sure, but I'm leaving after this next bite."
"That's okay!"
I took my last bite, then took a chance and sighed, "It's like we never talk anymore."
Luckily, he played along and the conversation ended with a commitment to see a counselor. People are easy to talk to when you know you'll never see them again (or when you know you'll never see them period, hello blog readers).
Recently, one of these trainees was in the food line with me and asked how I was today. When I turned to answer he took a big step back, waved his hands about and cried out, "I know you! ! I know you!"
For an instant I worried he was going to say, "You're Spunky Labia, International Toe Porn Superstar." But he did not. He said, "You're the lady in the video I just watched this week."
Turns out he was in the Intro class, and that class watches as homework the video I was in last March, the one with the bonus makeover. Given how I looked after the makeover compared to how I've looked recently, I'm amazed he recognized me.
You’re lucky to be able to add that s to ‘blog reader’.
Posted by: Big Dot | January 20, 2018 at 08:32 PM
Big Dot - your (other) readers are just genteel and quiet.
Posted by: theQueen | January 28, 2018 at 06:59 PM