Remember we were going to the Pixies concert? Remember we bought tickets back in March? Remember? Well, we didn't. Neither of us put it in our phones, and then when I won tickets to the Katy Perry concert my concert neurons fired and I thought - oh no - wasn't there a Pixies concert we were supposed to see? And we missed it by three days. Damnit. Damn. It.
Still, we did get to see the Katy Perry concert from the TeddyJ suite, and that was nice. Left Shark was on stage a lot. I wonder if he's been a feature of all her concerts since he went viral, or if this is a resurgence. I don't think I've ever seen a show with so much stage work: sets, platforms dropping from the rafters, singers flying over the audience, dancing televisions, aliens and UFOs, and such like. It was about as far from a Pixies concert as you could get.
Gary even enjoyed it, and I had really pissed him off when we walking in. We'd walked three blocks in the pouring rain when we encountered a ticket scalper. I didn't break stride, only to say, "Stay dry," because he was in the pouring rain in a ball cap. Scalper guy said, "I can't. I don't have an umbrella."
Thirty five years ago, Gary and I were driving when he saw an elderly lady crossing the street in the rain. He pulled up next to her, shoved an umbrella at her, and drove off. That is why I only made a few more steps before I spun around and gave the scalper my umbrella.
Or, "MY umbrella!" as Gary would say for the next half hour. "IT WAS MY FAVORITE DUCK HEAD UMBRELLA IT HAD A BUTTON THAT OPENED IT WHAT WERE YOU THINKING" and so on, even while I was on Amazon buying an identical replacement.
What can I say, I am dumb. I forget expensive concert tickets, I get free concert tickets, and umbrellas are the concert tickets of the world. They float to people that need them.