Here we are in costume for Halloween:
Yes, we are trolls, but out name tags say:
So, we are Russian trolls.
When I got the idea, I thought, that's obscure, because no one is going to remember troll pencil toppers. I remember them every day I brush my hair toward the ceiling. With an application of hairspray, I think, I would look just like a troll pencil topper.
It was surprisingly easy to find troll wigs on Amazon, but you can find anything on Amazon. It was harder to find a good font for the Russian Hello My Name is tag.
As it turns out, I didn't have to explain troll pencils to anyone at the party we attended. When we walked in, the hostesses daughter accosted us before we even made it out of the foyer.
"O yewa poppy! POPPY moo vee inex roo NOW."
I do not spesk fluent Child, so I just nodded and smiled.
Then she pointed at my blue shirt and plainly said. "Smurf," so I was to engage her in a conversation about Smurfs until she went back to babbling.
Turns out, and people with children you already know this, there is a popular children's movie called Trolls, based I assume on troll pencil toppers, and that's why the wigs were so easy to find on Amazon. The people explaining this kept pointing at the big screen tv in the next room, and it turns out that AT THAT MOMENT the movie was on and the children were enrapt. And then we walked in as the main character. If only I spoke Child, I could have convinced the daughter that Gary and I were Poppy's relatives, there to punish her for her sins or whatever trolls do.
Amazingly enough, there was a native speaker of Russian there too. Win on all counts.
This is so clever! I love it! ( and not only because I could actually read the name tag)
But I had no idea there was a movie about Trolls. There's just so much about culture one misses when one's children grow up.
Posted by: Common Household Mom | October 29, 2017 at 09:21 PM
It was hilarious...when I finally looked at the Russian letters. Brilliant costumes!
Posted by: Friend #3 | November 01, 2017 at 09:09 PM
Common - That is impressive that you read Russian. If you were a U.S. politician it would be either suspect or a plus.
Friend #3 - You did laugh. You were the only one who really appreciated it.
Posted by: theQueen | November 14, 2017 at 05:48 PM