Everyone else takes stress-free vacations. Right now my stomach is twisted, hands are shaking, and I'm stress-coughing, if that's a thing, because I'm leaving on vacation.
If ever I needed a vacation, it would be now.
I'm going to Universal in Orlando, because Orlando, Florida in hurricane season is a tremendous value. All I have to do is get in the car, then get in a taxi, then get on a plane, then another plane, then a taxi, then chill out. Easy, right? You would think, but I am in a state.
These are the things that led up to this vacation:
Hurricane Irma decided to head for one of the airports we'll go through, then take a turn toward Orlando. This began a week of Gary announcing there would be:
1) no gas there, so no taxis
2) no electricity
3) looters in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter (I am not making this up)
4) displaced evacuees ("We can't take a room that could be used by an evacuee! What are you thinking?")
Then, of course, he got sick, then I got sick. Naturally, he had A HORRIBLE COLD while I had a mere cold. I would ask him if he'd taken any medicine and he would scoff, "That's only symptomatic relief."
I ended up writing out a schedule and handing him the pills with something to drink. Give me a paper cup and I would be the hospital nurse. He was amazed at how much better he felt. I still feel sick.
Truly, I have headed overseas for once-in-a-lifetime trips in a calmer state than I am right now, heading three states away to a family vacation.
Of course you've already called your hotel and got reassurances that all is well. And unless the Wizarding World carries guns and sneakers, you're safe there (...unless there are Potter nerds who don't realize the hurricane is long gone).
Load Mr. Nervous Nellie up with a powerful codeine-laced medicine, and you'll have a great time.
Posted by: ~~Silk | September 18, 2017 at 04:32 PM
My brother in law had to cancel a trip to Cuba.
Posted by: Hattie | September 23, 2017 at 03:36 PM
~~Silk - We did see some damage - some shutters had been replaced by plywood at our hotel. Also, a lot of branches on the property were down.
Hattie - It feels bad to complain about hurricanes and travel since entore areas are being wiped off the mat.
Posted by: theQueen | September 24, 2017 at 01:44 PM