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August 26, 2017



What wonderful treasures you have built up for the memory bank. I am so jealous. Wanted to go but not well enough.
Your writing is so vivid, descriptive, worth a thousand pictures.
That cave looks extraordinary, too.

Big Dot

I'm so envious! Plus, that's the best description I've read, out of all the coverage the eclipse had. Well done.


Hattie - Did your kids in Portland get to see it? It's made me want to see the Northern lights again. That would be a great memory.
Big Dot - This article (https://hyperallergic.com/393623/howard-russell-butler-eclipse-paintings/) mentions how cameras can't get the color. His painting was close but there was too much nuance to the blackness. My moon was just like an utterly black hole.
Also, there's an eclipse close to New Zealand on July 2, 2019. I think you would have to see it from a boat, though. I'd bet there's a cruise being organized right now. And Dec. 4, 2021 passes over "the Southland of New Zealand."

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