That last Doobie Brothers / Chicago concert I went to was back in 2010 - seven years ago! I went back to read up on how I felt about the last one, and it appears that it was so hot that I took to my bed the next day.
And, strangely, in 2010 I seem to have formed an affection for this member of Chicago:
I said I was going to Wikipedia him. I can't really tell if that's a bass, but if it is, it must have been Jeff Coffey. I must have been captivated by his voice, because we know I love a tenor. This year, he sounded a bit like he'd sucked on some helium before the show.
I was so young seven years ago that I completely ignored the hot trombone player to his upper left in that picture. I was such a child then that my eye was drawn away from the 69 years old founding member of the band, James Pankow.
This man has it all.
Enormous sexual self-confidence. In fact, such self-confidence that Gary rolled his eyes when Mr. Pankow began wiggling his hips in his v-neck shirt, and suggestively thrusting his trombone.
"Puh-leezze" Gary said.
"Shut your mouth. I love him. He is selling sex and I am buying it."
"He is FINE."
He is FINE and 69. Sixty-nine years old. This gives him the gray hair I love.
Is in the Rock and Roll Songwriting Hall of Fame. For songwriting, and of course in the regular hall for being in Chicago.
Born in Saint Louis. I don't know exactly where in Saint Louis, though. I'm guessing Baden. NOT born in Chicago. Strangely, though, he is not on the Delmar Walk of Fame of People Who Were Born In or Even Briefly Lived in Saint Louis.
Is of German and Irish descent. This is a heritage I have learned to deal with. (Gary's 25% Irish and 25% German.)
Has a famous sibling. His brother plays the vile Merc Lapidus, the network head/game show host on Episodes.
Has staying power. Been in Chicago since 1967.
And did I mention the suggestive tromboning?
Not bad, as you say. I'm currently fighting off a guy who has a thing for old, cancerous women.
Posted by: Hattie | July 02, 2017 at 01:18 PM
Hattie - Mom encountered polio fetishists. Someone for everyone.
Posted by: theQueen | July 07, 2017 at 06:24 PM