March log: We've been to the march immediately following the election in November, the Women's march, the Immigration march, the Planned Parenthood march, the Tax March, now the Science march, and next week the Climate march. And then, no marches? No protests? How is that possible?
We were marching next to an older woman, and she was discussing the difference between marches today and marches in the past. First, there's not as much smoking as in the past, and second, people smell better.
We, again, had no sign. What we had was Hal the skeleton.
I was surprised by the number of people who asked me why I had a skeleton perched on my shoulders. (Anatomy! It's a science!)
We realized too late we should have knitted a teeny pink pussy hat for Hal.
Perfect. You are very pretty. I love your greenish gloves, too. We even had a march for science in our burg. It was incorporated into the Merrie Monarch Parade, which is part of an annual festival that features Hawaaiian culture, esp. Hula and which is broadcast state wide.
Posted by: Hattie | April 28, 2017 at 05:48 PM
Hattie - pure luck on the photo. I've always worn green gloves, I don't know why. I look drunk in all the climate march photos.
Posted by: TheQueen | May 02, 2017 at 08:58 AM