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April 08, 2016


Mrs. Hall

there's like 3 main bipolar diagnoses

Bipolar I
Bipolar II

My guess is you are more #3 given the above.

Good luck with the counseling. :)


Mrs Hall - bring on the mania, then. Not enough mania over here. Right now I've decided to skip the psychiatrist and go to the counselor and see what they say. It seems that since Gary's the only one who brings on the mood swings maybe I can work through that.


" since Gary's the only one who brings on the mood swings" I question the bipolar diagnosis, of any level. Bipolar will affect all of your relationships. Go to the counselor, and drag Gary along! This all started when he retired, right?


~~silk - actually, it all started at the nieces wedding.
All - certainly someone agrees that I am indeed bipolar ....it is a possibility.

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