Gary's Mom has been pressuring him to do something unspeakable.
She wants him to grow a mullet.
For decades, every time the man has had his hair cut, she mourns. She sighs, "Oh ... You got your hair cut ... again." Then she gushes about how she likes his hair long, and mourns the loss of the neck hairs that swoop up into a little flip behind his ears. I hear mommybloggers cry over the loss of baby ringlets with as much emotion.
A few weeks ago she popped a DVD into the player. "Watch this." she demanded. Gary had to watch an hour of some eighties male gospel trio. At the end he asked, "Mom, why did you want me to watch that?" He was afraid the conversation would turn to religion.
"I just love the way they do their hair. And don't tell me you have to get it cut short for your job: you're retired. Now you take a photo of those boys to your hairdresser and have her give you that haircut!"
"No, Mom! That's a mullet!"
"It's so beautiful."
"It's a curly mullet. I have straight hair. I'd look like McGyver!"
"You could get a perm. You had a perm once."
"In. The. Eighties. Give up! I'm not getting a mullet."
Wilma has lost this round, but the way Gary likes to please ... you never know.
I have to say, stories like this - of grown women trying to intervene in the way their grown children wear their hair - are so common it makes me worry that this kind of thinking is inevitable. Someday, when I'm 75, will I be calling up my son and begging him to get a mullet? POSSIBLY. So I figure I better print out this post and keep it on me at all times as a reminder that I was sane once. SHIVER.
Posted by: Lynn | February 28, 2016 at 01:59 PM
Lynn- That's right. No mullets or any space-age hairstyles that will be 20 years passe by then.
Posted by: theQueen | February 29, 2016 at 06:01 PM
My MIL had meager amounts of hair, so she always wanted me to keep my hair short so as not to compete. God rest her soul.
Posted by: Hattie | February 29, 2016 at 11:46 PM
Hattie - sounds like the time the Queen of England got pissed off because princess Di wore her hair up. I'm very lucky in having the mil I do.
Posted by: Thequeen | March 01, 2016 at 08:22 PM