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July 23, 2015



C'mon. You don't want to end up a skinny old hag. I'm letting my hair down here, because usually I'm nice about this stuff, but I was at a party yesterday, and all the women there over age 60 were gray and wrinkly and saggy and misshapen and some of them had even shrunk. A lifetime of diet and exercise had brought them to this pretty pass. Such good little girls.
I am lazy. I will exercise, but I don't mind lying around the house and getting plenty of rest.
The women who age fastest are the yo-yo dieters. They lose muscle, and when they gain the weight back it's all fat. I'm big, but it's nice to still have a firm body and defined figure at my age.
Rejoice in your hourglass proportions! I don't know what your height is, but I'm almost five feet nine inches, have not shrunk at all, have no hip or knee problems, have not gone grey and weigh around what you do.
And still don't get the senior discount automatically. Really, I would rather look big than old.
I like taking up my fair share of space in the world!


That's true, I know many people who lose the fat and also lose the stuff that fills in the wrinkles. And that's amazing you are five nine! I would have guessed five five. But I'm not healthy like this, at all. I'm enjoying eating healthier, since I feel better in the mornings.

Mrs. Hall



Mrs Hall - thank you. I'm starting to recognize my face again.


Queen: Well, I back down then. It's tough once you have the weight and it's making you feel bad and yet at the same time you can't lose it. So I apologize and wish you success on your weight loss endeavor.


Hattie - no problem. Were we arguing?


Well, I was thinking about my own issues, not yours.


I have the Iggy body, too. I'm happy with my weight but I've often fantasized about opening up a new shop called "Pear" where all the cute sundresses are tiny on top, nicely full and rounded on the bottom. There HAS to be a market for this, right? Good luck with the continued weight loss!


Lynn - Well, I hope Pear has shoulderpads in everything, because we pears need that.

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