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September 10, 2014



I love that picture. They look so happy!
As to Ferguson: We are about to lose a whole town to a lava flow, but no one is paying attention outside of local news. How do you demonstrate against Mother Nature?


I hope Twitter is to be believed in this case. And yay Gary. And yay drunken about-to-get-lucky-in-a-ship's-cabin parents.


Hattie - Oh no, I've heard about the flow on CNN, I think. Of course they wont cover it in depth until it begins in earnest. There is a city council meeting in Ferguson going on this minute with some protests. I think MSNBC won't visit us again until the grand jury comes down with a ruling, which has now been rescheduled for the depth of winter. Not good rioting weather.
Allison - oh, Dad is drunk. I suppose Mom might be drunk too. I only ever saw her drunk one other time. She could laugh even when not drunk and being molested.

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