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July 20, 2014



Is it possible to be amused and sympathetic at the same time?

Obviously you need to agree on some rules. Yeah, rules. That always works....


Wish I could go on a BNL cruise. That really sounds like fun.


As an unmarried woman, I've never had to answer to anyone but myself about money - nor is there anyone else spending the money in my account. At this point, if I ever do marry (because crazy things happen every day, right?), I'll have to keep separate bank accounts or go insane.


~~Silk - I need to adapt and learn a new skill: sticking to a budget graciously. Its the gracious part that needs practice.
Hattie - Well, the BNL cruises are fun, but this is technically going to be a Rock Boat cruise on which BNL is playing. It occurs to me that if you went we would not be the oldest people there.
Tami - Oh, we've had separate bank accounts up till now. It is absolutely the way to go. But it only works if there are two incomes.

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