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April 23, 2014



I'm glad you're okay!


I'm glad all's well and that the Versed was good to you.


Take 2. I can't remember if you are Catholic but if you are perhaps the bleeding is religious in nature. A religious miracle, with you as the chosen one. If you do not get a hysterectomy you might want to go with that angle.

Maybe you need an exorcism.


Yay! I'm glad you're okay! :-)


Suburbancorrespondent -I am too.
Magpie - THAT was a surprise. I was wrong about the Versed.
Zayrina - I think it's crotch stigmata. Crotchmata.
Marcia - I took Versed and here I am still walking around.


So glad you are OK. Now for the Grand Canyon. It is really swell.

mrs. hall

("Oh, suicidal depression could be caused by a lot of different things," chirped the Anesthesia Nurse.)

awesome stuff right there, awesome stuff


It is VERsed. Trust me, I know 1000 doctors.
I'm so glad they didn't find anything awful.


Hattie - it is grand. Were having a great time.
Mrs hall - she was too young to know anything about depression.
Tami- I can't give a definitive answer yet, but things seem to have cleared up.

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