Required experiences: eating at Antonines (sort of) and Pat O'Brian (sort of), watching someone vomit on the street, ghost tour, Farmers / French market, bread pudding, Cana cakes, continued search for chicken and waffles.
Gary woke up feeling like he was catching a cold. After a breakfast of Cana cakes and ham, we came came back to the room and he napped for three hours. It was time well spent. The only thing worse than a cold is Gary with a cold, and the only thing worse than Gary with a cold is Gary with a cold on vacation.
So at three we set out to find the French market and there it was where it said it would be. Gary sat down in the market and did that thing he does when he suddenly realizes he's on vacation and would like to participate in the planning that happened weeks ago. He did it in Quebec too, only he took hours to do it, and he did it in the middle of our first day. This time he waited till we got a few things done. That's fine. So now we're planning to see cemeteries and go on steamship cruises, if he follows through.
We had to meet our ghost tour guide at someplace called Antoine's Annex, and it was only when I saw the china that I realized we were at Antoine's little pastry place next to the famous Antoine's.
We were the only people on the tour, again, but it was nice because we got a mishmash of ghost tour, strange NOLA tour, and JFK conspiracy tour. This guy was a master of the misdirect joke. "And they lived happily ever after! No, he died."
We wandered over ten square blocks to find a place to eat. One was close, two were closed, three were closed, and finally we headed for the chicken place on bourbon again. Instead, we went to "Pat O'Brian's courtyard" which connects to Pat O'Brians the way that Antoine's Annex connected to Antoine's. My food (shepards' pie) was meh. Gary liked his jambalaya, red beans, and gumbo. He ordered three shots of Baileys and I had to finish it.
During our dessert of really damn good bread pudding, almost as if it came from a different restaurant, I heard the bartender yelling "GET HER OUT GET HER OUT NOW!" A woman was shepherded to the front door and there was the unmistakable sound of a hurricane leaving her body. Our waiter muttered "amateurs" and the bartender hustled the woman into a cab.
Today we hope to hit a few museums. I'm the one who slept late today.
Ok. I tried to keep up on Facebook. This is more interesting.
You eat chicken and waffles in Memphis, not New Orleans.
Posted by: Hot Mom | December 22, 2013 at 10:30 PM
Hot mom - coops place by the river had them, but we never made it there.
Posted by: Thequeen | December 23, 2013 at 09:48 PM