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October 10, 2013



I think it's time to call the attorney general's office in your state. Keep a record of all the numbers and turn them over to that office. That's what I'd be doing.


This is godawful. Disgusting.


Zayrina - I have made a list and I'm going to maintain it. They have a silent ringtone now, so they'll just leave more messages I can add to my list and use for my amusement. Then I'll give the list to the attorney general. I imagine they want to pair a name to a phone number so they can sell it to telemarketers.
Hattie - Bastards. I know. I feel like I have the upper hand now, though.


Can I have the number? I want to call it from work and confess my secret love for her husband, as well as the fact that we have three kids together, so she can never truly break us apart. I don't give a damn about their legally binding piece of paper - you can't bind a HEART!


Tami - they haven't left any messages on my phone lately. Maybe they can tell I'm on to them. Or, maybe the woman shot her husband and is in jail.

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