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October 28, 2013



He needs these: http://www.pajamacity.com/category.aspx?zcid=152


Flannel sheets.


My eh-housemate has the dinosaur ones. She LOVES them.

Personally, I like satin pajamas. Easy rolling over in satin pajamas.


I'm with Gary. Cold weather is hell on the body.


We use an over the matteress electric pad. When Santa met me I used one and he did not. When he beded me and shared my heated pad he said it changed dramatically how he felt in the morning- for the much better.


Magpie - You know, I had adult footies when I was in my late teens and the pressure that bears on the toes wears them out in months.
~~Silk - I mentioned he's under a comforter but he says he kicks it off unconsiously.
Tami - Mom was a big fan on the satin for that very reason.
Hattie - We have an air-conditioning conflict then between my hot flashes and his chilled back. I guess I can have it warm at night.
Zayrina - interesting. I wonder if we still have our electric blanket somewhere.We could try that out first.

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