I watched Life WIth Father a few weeks ago.
(If you haven't seen it, here's the entire thing on YouTube, distracingtly subtitled in Spanish or Portuguese or something.)
When we were young and in love, Gary was George Bailey in It's a Wonderful Life. Sweet, shy, generous, deaf.
Now that we're old, Gary is Clarence Day, Sr. in Life With Father. Well, only that Clarence Day is cheap and overly concerned about money. Gary is Clarence Day if you deduct the frugality and four redheaded children (*crosses self*), and focus only on the:
Bellowing (0:6:16)
Stubborness and bossiness (0:24:50)
Violent hatred of inanimate objects (rubber plants) (0:8:20)
Talking to himself (0:18:50)
Dislike of guests to such a degree that you have to keep guests a secret (1:45:00) (But, then loves the guests once they're there, and for several days after they leave.)
Love of dogs (0:12:09)
Prayerful aspect (1:26:00)
General ongoing indignation (entire film)
Of course, both of them are lovable characters.
I wish they'd remake this movie. That way they could end it with the real last line: "I'm going to be bapTIZED, damnit!"
Must. Watch.
Posted by: Hattie | September 03, 2013 at 01:15 PM
Hattie - oh, you really should. It's a sweet movie.
Posted by: TheQueen | September 04, 2013 at 11:12 PM