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September 11, 2013



Yuck! Sorry, but that's my take. Instead of celebrating(?) the things you're leaving behind, why not glory in the new state.
- You can have sex any time you want without making a mess.
- You become suddenly attractive to a host of younger men who fear pregnancy and cycles in general.
- No one can ever accuse you of PMSing.
- You can claim you now "think like a man".
- You can grow a beard if you want.
- Your fingernails will grow more evenly.
- You can get away with a lot more outrageousness.

Me, I'd have the party at a Chippendales'.

The Queen

~~Silk - gross is totally what I'm going for! I could have a beard contest, though, that would be fun. And ... isn't the man the one who makes sex messy? I'm pretty tidy during sex.


...she meant that you'd be messy if you had sex while you were menstruating. I thought I'd point that out, in case you had never thought of it.

Like, ever.

The Queen

Tami - I have to think way back ... Gary never wanted sex when I was menstruating. Perhaps that's a Catholic thing?


Meh. It's an "about half the men I've slept with" thing.

The Queen

Tami- 50%. Good to know.


Yeah, 50%, but don't ask me my number. Let's just say that I was pretty cute in my 20's, and when I'm in my 70's, I'll be happy to say, "I'm so glad that I had all that sex!"

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