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November 19, 2012




BTW, exactly how short do you think I am?

Big Dot

Hmmm. How long are you allowed to take, bumping your ear with your arm? I'm slow, with the dislocated shoulder, but I can get there.

Also, I've just noticed I've got old-lady flabby, crepy underarms - this is what happens when you lose some weight. I'm going to have to use dumbells! Summer's coming, with sleeveless tops and I want Michelle Obama's arms. Am I aiming too high?


Becs - you come up to my nose: Silk comes up to my chin. I have photos.
Big Dot - But what if you have to suddenly snap your fingers in the air? Or what if you have to holla? (Holla!) I'm sure you'll get faster. Plus, only Michelle O has those guns.Flying too close to the sun!


Big Dot - The flappy arms happen anyway. And QM is right - our First Lady rocks.


QM - Re the photos. I would love to do that again. With me being just a wee bit (ahem) less stressed out and longer than a mere four hours. A girl can dream, can't she?


I need to go to physio for my knee and possibly my shoulder, but I'm holding off until less than 50% of the week is taken up by bodily maintenance. Stupid demanding body.


Becs - But of course. Maybe a weekend? Do you have any long weekends?
Allison - They take up so much TIME. Feed the body, fix the body, check the body, clean the body. Stupid! You're right!


Somebody tell Big Dot about Fat Girl Slim. It's the best body firming cream in the world, with the WORST NAME EVER.

It says that it eliminates cellulite, which it doesn't. It does, however, make skin a hell of a lot firmer, and skin tone way more even. Why don't they just claim that it does that?


Tami- Would it work on a wattle?

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