Physical Therapy today was wretched. I am not laughing anymore.
First off, I'm not laughing because I am no longer surprised by how ridiculously painful it is. I only started chuckling at one point when he gave me an extra unexpected push.
"Five second penalty," he shrugged. "You made a face at me; you get an extra five seconds."
"Face? FACE?"
"You stuck your tongue out at me. Five second penalty."
So I'm done being quiet and polite. I shrieked and yelped and was the noisiest person in the room.
He pointed out that when he extends my arm over my shoulder, I include the teens and the twenties and end at thirty, but when he bends my arm in the "L" of Agony over my head, I count from one to ten three times.
"I am in so much pain I cannot count like an adult. I can only count like a toddler."
On top of all that, I have taken to lying in a fetal position while they give me the electrode treatment. Soon I will drool and wet myself, see what they think about that.
On the positive side, he measured me and I can get to 175 degrees out of 180 when it comes to reaching my arm over my head. So there's that. And is that worth it? I can raise my arms up over my head and snap my fingers, and that's all Mom ever wanted.
I'm proud of you for sticking with it. 175 degrees is results.
Posted by: Tami | October 16, 2012 at 02:51 PM
Tami - but lord, I'm only halfway done.
Posted by: TheQueen | October 16, 2012 at 11:20 PM