12:15 am You know, I really should be asleep now. But there might be life on Mars. We hear a signal from the rover in 15 minutes. How can I sleep?
12:18 You know, one of the previous rovers was only supposed to last a few months and it's been tooling around for years. That's suspiscious. Is there no friction on Mars?
12:24 Six more minutes, they say. I can't tell you how excited I am about this. Do you know there might be water where it lands?
12:27 Excited NASA engineers! Parachute is deployed!
12:28 - NASA lady, this would have been a good night to put a little effort into your hair.
12:30 - sky crane! And I cannot tell you how good it is to hears women's voices at Mission control -
12:33 - Damn! Party at mission control! I'm replaying that.
12:34 - an image! Of dirt and a part of a wheel! And Jesus, Some guy at mission control stuck his hand in front of the screen with the image and I thought "LOOK A GIANT MARTIAN HAND."
Totally impressive. So much technology, so many things to go wrong, and nothing did. Well done, NASA.
Posted by: Big Dot | August 06, 2012 at 01:16 AM
Thrilled! Absolutely thrilled!
Posted by: Hattie | August 06, 2012 at 01:28 AM
Big Dot - And imagination, that's what gets me. Who said, :what if we have a crane spring out, land that, and drop the rover from it?"
Hattie - I see you waited up! That must have been a late night for you two.
Posted by: TheQueen | August 06, 2012 at 10:29 PM
Nein! We live in Hawaii!
Posted by: Hattie | August 07, 2012 at 12:00 PM
Hattie - I always get that backwards. If London is earlier than us, shouldn't you be - wait - see, I've got it backwards again.
Posted by: TheQueen | August 07, 2012 at 11:44 PM