A year and a half ago, Carrie from the BNL cruise posted a photo on Facebook of the two of us. It was an excellent photo of Carrie. It was the worst photo of me I had ever seen.
She re-posted it yesterday. For no reason other than she wanted to point out she was wearing Mardi-Gras beads.
So this is the new meme: post the worst photo of you.
Here I am. I blacked Carrie out in Paint so you wouldn't be distracted by her beauty.
Eyes: uneven. If both eyes were piggy little slits like the one on the right, that would be symmetrical, at least. Nope. I just blocked out the piggy eye with my finger and the right eye looks crazy.
Nose: Piggy nose. Clean, at least.
Lips: I never knew I had one of those figure eight smiles. Open on the sides, clamped in the middle.
Chin #1: Too long and pointy.
Chin #2: Wow! That's a cat in a hammock. See how it has a gravity of its own on the right slope? That chin needs a brassiere.
Quick, look at this photo. That's what I look like. That's what I look like to really tall people, anyway.
So, that's the meme. Post your worst photo ever.
Are you kidding? That's the worst idea ever! I burn bad photos of me, and I don't mean on disk.
Posted by: ~~Silk | August 07, 2012 at 07:11 AM
That's the danger of Facebook.
Posted by: Hattie | August 07, 2012 at 12:04 PM
I'd play along, but I'd have a hard time picking the worst photo ever. Usually I look like a squinty frog in photos. When I did online dating; I had more than one guy tell me I was so much prettier in person.... and I picked the best photos I had to put online.
Posted by: Amy in StL | August 07, 2012 at 02:11 PM
As the one in charge of compiling photo albums in the old days, and super-fast on the delete button now, there is, I'm pleased to say, not a single unflattering photo of me in existence. Unfortunately, there aren't any flattering ones either. I've allowed a few moderately tolerable ones to exist, simply for historical record.
Posted by: Big Dot | August 07, 2012 at 05:32 PM
~~Silk - Even ones that are so bad it's ridiculous?
Hattie - It is dangerous. More than once unflattering photos of me have been published.
Amy inStL - Oh, come on, try.
Big Dot - All the shots I see of you are from far afield.
Posted by: TheQueen | August 07, 2012 at 11:46 PM
Well there's this one: http://www.flickr.com/photos/whiteflash93/466346758/ In which I am the limp-haired toad in the patterned shirt. I swear I normally have better posture than that.
Posted by: Amy in StL | August 08, 2012 at 01:50 PM
Amy in StL - but your smile looks good - one side up, one side down.
Posted by: TheQueen | August 08, 2012 at 09:52 PM
Look at the pictures of me on Facebook - someone posted a picture of me FROM THE BACK. Is that bad enough? Nope. I'm also wearing a dress OVER PANTS. And my hair is in a filthy ponytail. I'm so, so glad that someone not only captured that moment on film, but that it got tagged.
I know I'm the widest human in NJ, but seeing the evidence on film is just harsh.
Posted by: Tami | August 14, 2012 at 12:26 PM
Tami - I had to hunt for it; it was at the very end. And you are right, that is an awful awful photo of you.
Posted by: TheQueen | August 14, 2012 at 06:31 PM
Yup. I was camping, and grimy, and the club that likes to surprise people gave me a major award that day. I was honored *and* horrified.
Posted by: Tami | August 16, 2012 at 08:37 AM
Tami - we have to stop commenting on this post. It makes me look at my very bad photo.
Posted by: TheQueen | August 16, 2012 at 08:02 PM