Shopstipated again. This time I'm specifically Vacation shopstipated. I've got more saved for a vaction than ever and we can't figure out where to go. Perhaps because this vacation has to equal or surpass Paris. Perhaps because ... no, it's that last reason. It can never live up to Paris. Why even try?
However, my vacation shopstipation is countered by my shoe shopping regularity. Every pair of shoes I see on the internet is adorable and I must have them. I know the two brands of shoes that fit me, and so far I've bought these:
(Three of them are being returned as soon as they arrive because I found them for 40% off at
Then I saw these on eBay and snatched them right up:
Never heard of the Think! brand before. Thirty bucks! I don't know if they came like these from the factory or if they were embellished. Don't mind the wear on the insoles: I'm swapping them out for my orthotics anyway.
Then I started to look into this Think! brand. I kept thinking "Oh, those are cute, how much - THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS? ARE THEY NUTS?"
I'll need to wait a while until these end up used on eBay. Some rich old artsy ladies need to die first before I can get their shoes.
Peeptoe / peepheel shoes for the heel fetishist ...
Mayan shoes for 2012 ...
And I would even hide Spunky and my newly-eroticized heels for these shoes:
(I apologize for the Dooceiness of this post.)
Maybe I need to take my vacation fund and break it into multiple smaller vacation funds so I can spend it with less pressure. A "We'll Always Have Paris So Let's Lower Our Expectations" fund.
Or perhaps I'll get The Descendants out of my head and start thinking about Kauaii again. Such problems though, huh?
Uh...yeah, I freakin feel your pain.
Posted by: Becs | May 31, 2012 at 04:36 AM
My heart bleeds for you. I think you ought to do Alaska! I think I'd go with the navy sneakers and the red Birkies with the silver buckle.
Posted by: Hattie | May 31, 2012 at 01:22 PM
Yeah, I can't really relate - sounds like an awesome dilemma though. I'm just trying to save up enough vacation time to take an actual vacation - I keep spending it a day at a time as mental health time.
Posted by: Amy in StL | May 31, 2012 at 02:44 PM
Then again...sorry for the snark. After all, you lost your mom, a very good mom it sounds like, and bless you for your patience, but Gary would be under the garage floor right now if I had to deal.
So to heck with me and Amy and go buy yourself some shoes.
Posted by: Becs | May 31, 2012 at 04:09 PM
omg - we are shoe sisters! I have never ever seen anyone else's shoes and thought 'I would buy EVERY SINGLE PAIR OF THOSE. Of course I don't. I just clomp around in combat boots and ugly orthotic sandals. But I'm starting to think this might have to change.
Posted by: allison | June 01, 2012 at 12:11 PM
What's the Aussie/American dollar exchange rate?
You should go to Monaco and gamble. I'm sure that would give me many hilarious stories to read. Many hilarious stories!
Posted by: Tami | June 01, 2012 at 02:54 PM
Becs- I know.
Hattie - but would you go with the red Birkies knowing they cost $180? I can't. But twice as much seems reasonable for a helicopter ride on vacation.
Amy in StL - Gary was saying that our weekends are what other people would call vacation (or mental health days). We piddle around and do nothing and relax.
Becs- Snark away! I was fully expecting snark. I know how I sound. I was thinking I might need to hint at my MS soon so I sound pitiable. Sickly little trouper braving the sun!
Aliison - NO interest in Morocco. It sounds hot with no breeze. And, I say to you, shoes of the dead. Get to eBay.
Tami - Gary has kiboshed Australia as too far away. I thought about Monaco. Hey, I'm a good gambler.Except for the second time I played roulette. I put $50 in red and lost.
Posted by: TheQueen | June 02, 2012 at 10:05 AM
Monaco? As in "Dr. Emil Schiffhausen"?
Why does everything seem to center around a Steve Martin movie today?
Oh and I think you should def play the MS card. It's time.
Posted by: Becs | June 02, 2012 at 10:45 AM
Oops. Sorry. That wasn't Monaco. That was Beaumont-sur-mer. Like it makes a difference.
Posted by: Becs | June 02, 2012 at 10:46 AM
Becs - That was the Dirty Rotten Scoundrels movie? Or LA story? And I cant play the MS card because The Bloggess is appropriating it for herself.
Posted by: TheQueen | June 03, 2012 at 01:08 AM