Mom always said she could judge her health by the mental redecorating she did. I've been feeling quite well lately, but I rarely redecorate. Instead, I feel my interest in hobbies re-surfacing.
Cooking: Today I am making a pot roast. It smells delectable. DELECTABLE damn you. I had to turn on the air guard feature that traps smells IN to the oven. This smell is making me insane. Nothing I did: I just stirred some packeted powdered pot roast mix in to a cup of water.
This smell has gone on for six hours now. It keeps inspiring me to mix up more things: I've made raw macaroon dough and stored it in the fridge; and soon I'll be making raw pasta dough and storing that in the fridge while the oven keeps working on the Pot Roast that I want to snort up my nose when it is done in four hours.
(Sixhours later: Pot roast is heavenly, and the macaroons. The fettuccine alfredo from scratch may have needed more salt.)
Guitar: I have to email the people who will be teaching me intro guitar, but only after I spend another few hours restoring my muscle memory. I need to get the callouses back on my fingertiips, too. I'm not back to square one, but I'd say I'm back to square ... four.
Cheese: Man, I spent part of the day looking at other people's cheese disasters. My cheese might come out gray, or slimy, or probably grainy and dry. I am not going to serve up the cheese at work, and I'm not going to serve it early. Chances are I'm going to hide it from Gary too. I'll show you pictures, of course.
Stained glass: This would require me to go in the basement. It's good to know if I ever need to make a lampshade I can. I could also make a hat if called upon.
I need to get to sleep right now, though, if I mean to maintain this good health. Night all.
I thought about Celebrity Hat this weekend, wishing she could make a Triumphant Return. However, some things just belong eternally to that moment. This, I think, is the fate of Celebrity Hat.
Posted by: Becs | May 07, 2012 at 04:37 AM
Becs - I think so too. Were CH to return it would be sad, as if she was going to be on Dancing with the Stars.
Posted by: TheQueen | May 07, 2012 at 10:33 PM