Before the Drive to the In-laws
Gary: "Come on, let's get going. Come ON. Let's get the stuff in the car. Where's the pie? Did you get the pie we can't leave the pie go back in and get the pie. Are these all the gifts? Hurry up. Hurry we've got to get there I bet Karen's there already. Come on. Let's get a move on. Where's my hat. Come on!"
After the Drive to the In-Laws
Me: "Okay, we're at your parents!" (Turns off engine.) "Brr. My feet are cold. Did I forget my socks?" (Looks at feet.) "Well, yes I did. It also appears I'm wearing my slippers."
Hahahaha - but then again, in the big scheme of things, he has it straight. Pie or socks? The pie definitely wins.
Posted by: Mare | January 15, 2012 at 08:31 AM
Mare - I might disagree but it was French Silk pie.
Posted by: TheQueen | January 15, 2012 at 09:18 AM