I had a good day overall, in fact I had a work breakthrough and an iPhone Gmail breakthrough. If it were not for the hour from 5 to 6 and the hours from 7 to ... now ... I'd have had a great day.
5-6: I was tooling down the highway at 5 and ping! a light on my dashboard went on.
"That's the light that looks like my butt. What was that light again?"
Yes, it was the flat tire light. I was calm and CONTINUED DRIVING because last time this happened I drove a few miles on the service road. So I drove about four miles to the place I'd had the flat repaired last year, Dobbs.
If this ever happens to you, even if the tire doesn't look or feel flat, even if you've ridden a million miles before, just pull over. You will indeed tear up your tire no matter how minor the problem. The nice people at Dobbs found my mini midget spare tire and set me up to drive slowly to the Mini store tomorrow, where they keep the Mini tires.
I got home and looked at the clock and it was six. This set my problem into a tidy compartment, 5 - 6, and I have ignored it since then.
It was easy to ignore because at 7 I began watching the Iowa caucus. And it still goes on, and it may go on for months like Bush v. Gore. Gary took to bed at 8 after screaming "What? Two people have voted for Santorum? Are they crazy?" Yes, their names are Mabel and James, and they voted for Santorum. Absurd.
All this Iowa political dreck is cutting short the most hallowed holiday: Year In Review Week. I'ven seen no retrospectives.
However, I'm greatly enjoying the homoerotic tweets like "Will Santorum come from behind or pull out?"
I could be watching another episode of Breaking Bad right now, but I'm not.
I just saw Rick Santorum say "We won." By ... less than 50 votes? Damn you, Mabel and James. Or rather, bless you, because I'm just watching so I can imagine the winner in a debate with President O.
Reading you and lines like "However, I'm greatly enjoying the homoerotic tweets like 'Will Santorum come from behind or pull out?'" is nice - it's about all the Republican shite I can deal with.
Posted by: magpie | January 04, 2012 at 09:44 AM
Posted by: Hattie | January 04, 2012 at 10:35 AM
Magpie - Twitter reports someone on CNN just said, "Santorum exploded out of the bottom."
Hattie - Ah, but at 10:35 this morning you would know Romney won, not Santorum. (Come to think of it, my 10:35 am might be your 2:30 am, when they got those two women on the phone and found Romney had won. I guess it's AAAARGH either way.)
Posted by: TheQueen | January 04, 2012 at 11:57 PM