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January 19, 2012



I took down the feeders last summer. I should put them back up - give the cats (and me) something to look at.


I love to watch birds. I have a huge, 48x20 screened in back porch. We have 2 rocking chairs back there and that is where we spend most of spring, summer and fall watching the creatures great, small and winged. To me that is the perfect way to spend time.


I live on a pond and watching the waterbirds and their clear personalities is a family pasttime. I set aside at least a few minutes every day to check in on the sunset- it's always worth a look.


Becs - something to look at and KILL, do you mean? Surely they'd attack the birds. Or at least want to.
Zayrina - Much better than tv, that's for sure.
Elisabeth - I do know that geese have personalities. At least the INSANE geese do. We encountered a crazy goose once. Kept its head low and attacked whn your back was turned.

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