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January 04, 2012


Amy in StL

I totally got caught stifling a burp at the gym. I might have eaten too close to my workout time.... the good news is my trainer laughed instead of being offended. The Walla thing drives me nuts! But a lot of other dumb misspellings and incorrect word usage. Maybe I need better meds.


Walla is half a town in Washington. Viola is an instrument in an orchestra. Voila is abused badly.


1) I burp quietly. I know it's a gift that I've been given.

2) People who get medicine and then think that they'll get better without it are frequently incorrect.

3) I cannot stress how much I dislike it when people don't bother to learn how to spell. I dislike it very strongly.


People using "walla" when it should be "voila" drives me bonkers. Clearly this is the right place for me to hang out.


AmyinStL - Burps are a part of life. I got the same reaction ("What's wrong!") the next two times I stifled burps.
Caroline - It seems Walla means water in Native American, and repeating it is diminutive. So "Oooo! Oooz a cute widda baby body of waters?"
Tami - re 2) I want him to communicate with the doctor so he gets a different med. He kiked up the topamax and voila, two more nights of seizure activity. If he would just say "Isn't there another drug?"
Kristie - Mercy! Mercy boo-coop. I've told myself they are saying "Walla" ironically. (Ala "How do it know?")

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