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December 26, 2011



I CAN feel the love.


I'd like a new sink, granite countertop and faucet, please.


The shark ended up on my doorstep Christmas Eve. My husband finally figured out how to fly it yesterday and taught the kids. This morning as I was sleeing in (yay!) I overheard the kids plotting to fly it into my bedroom so I'd wake up to a giant shark looming over me. It didn't happen. Not sure why.

Thank you, Ellen! The shark has a happy home here.


Becs - He's a lover. I was all set to get extra love this year, but then he got sick. Ah, well.
Marcia - Can't. I need a new range.
Caroline - Is it still inflated? Really? That's a surprise.


You know how we have that sunken living room and the upstairs is about four feet higher? When I come down the hall I see shark eyes hovering just above the edge of the floor like he's considering nibbling my feet.


You know if you remove the putty he floats up higher.

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